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4.1 Completion commands

Completion commands are used to perform actions while completing. They are normal commands (interactive functions) which are bound to a key sequence in vcomplete-command-map.

User Option: vcomplete-no-update-commands

List of commands which shouldn’t cause the *Completions* buffer to update.

Variable: vcomplete-command-map

Key map which holds key bindings to completion commands. This key map should be available whenever completion is initiated when vcomplete-mode is enabled.

Function: vcomplete-current-completion &optional pos

Get the completion candidate at point in the ‘*Completions*’ window. When POS is non-nil, use it instead of point. The completion candidate is returned as a list of the form:


Where BEG and END are the beginning and end positions of the completion string in the ‘*Completions*’ buffer. If no completion is found, return nil.

Macro: vcomplete-with-completions-window body...

Evaluate BODY with the *Completions* window temporarily selected. This macro can be used to easily manipulate or access the contents of the *Completions* buffer. If there is no *Completions* buffer or no window displaying it BODY isn’t executed. On Emacs 29+, this macro is an alias to the built-in with-minibuffer-completions-window macro.